Make a Donation
Make A Donation
General Donations
We are committed to improving the lives of all people living with Type 1 diabetes, but we can’t do it without your help. Your tax-deductible donation includes a thank you letter from our organization.
Round-Up Your Change
Round-up your change to benefit Camp! A new and easy way to give your change by simply linking your preferred debit or credit card as you make everyday purchases.
Donate by using PayPal
General Donations
General Donations
Make a General Donation through our PayPal Account.
In-Honor Donations
Mark a special occasion by honoring a loved one with a donation made in their name. Your tax-deductible donation includes a thank you letter from our organization.
IRS Determination Letter
Tax ID: 501(c)3 95-3897543
Memorial Donations
Honor the memory of a family member, friend or loved one by making a donation in their name. Your tax-deductible donation includes a thank you letter from our organization.
Donate by Mail