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Volunteer / Staff Positions

Apply For A Summer Position 

Counselor Hugging and Smiling at

From dawn to dusk our staff and volunteers put their all into everything they do for camp! Are you interested in being part of the amazing team that makes camp what it is? Scroll down to find out more about being a staff member, a position that is right for you, and click the appropriate button below to apply online!


If you have not participated in the CIT program and would like to be a Camp counselor or staff member, please register by clicking below. 


**Staff Training is mandatory for all hired staff members and volunteers. 


Virtual Staff Training (2 Days): TBA


In-Person Staff Training: TBA

About Staff

Program staff, Medical staff and Dietary staff are all essential functions and teams at camp.


The program staff consists of cabin counselors that supervise 9 to 11 children; aquatics director and lifeguards; outdoor adventurists for mountain biking, overnight camping, rock climbing, etc.; archery specialist; arts and crafts director and specialists; 'individuals over the age of 21 with a class B drivers license; program directors for programs occurring in camp and out of camp, such as mountain biking; cooks, prep cooks, and dishwashers; environmental education/nature director; maintenance; and other positions.


The volunteer medical team consists of resident physicians, nurses, certified diabetes educators (CDE), medical and nursing students, endocrine fellows, registered dieticians (RD), nutritionists, physicians in practice, and non-medical technical support staff.


There are many opportunities at Camp Conrad Chinnock and one person could hold a variety of roles through different sessions. Find the role that could be right for you!

Counselor In Training Program

CITs are Camp's counselors in training. We would not have the staff we have today without the incredible dedication to fun we get from our sensational CITs.


The CIT Program provides a learning environment for young adults to acquire leadership skills which can be utilized in every aspect of life. If you have already completed the CIT program, you can apply to be on staff directly online!


The Leadership Training Program is open to youth ages 17 to 19, with or without diabetes and has an application process. Qualifications we look for in our counselors in training are teens that can demonstrate a level of maturity that enables them to assume responsibility and develop strong leadership skills.


The applicant must demonstrate an interest in camping and show the ability to learn and work with diabetic children. Being a healthy role-model for children with diabetes is critical! Young leaders are given an opportunity to learn and explore group dynamics, human development, communication skills, recreational programming, and organization.


The objective of this two-year program is to build a strong counseling staff for our program and promote leadership in our communities and at camp. All first-year applicants complete an application with two reference forms. Responsibilities in the first year will include learning camp operations, developmental needs of children, how to lead a group, and other key components of a camp staff member. You may assist in the kitchen, help at the pool, and work in crafts or the store. Focus will be on basic staff and leadership skills.

Staff & Medical Volunteer Descriptions 

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